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October 28, 2008



The owners, Elmer and Larafe Cobreros, were both Food Technology graduates of Sto. Tomas University and started together what was once a small, nameless establishment that is now a bigger and cozier place called COFFEE INDULGENCE. Since 1996, Coffee Indulgence became known for its aromatic coffee, mouth-watering pasta, fluffy and tasty pancakes, delect-able pizza, sumptuous sandwich, delightful gourmet fries, soothing choco drinks, refreshing fruit/coffee shakes and thirst quenching juice.

The restaurant ambience is a reminiscent of a typical Italian restaurant. Its minimal lighting complements the varnished wood furniture and the rugged terracotta flooring sets the spacious and well-furnished interior of the dining area. Coffee Indulgence came about when Larafe sensed the need for having a place where one could relax, sit back, sip a delicious drink, have some delectable foods and lounge around with some friends. And indeed, the place has become haven to some.

Coffee Indulgence offers the most delectable food anybody could crave for. The food repertoire is evocative of the elegance of an Italian Cuisine. The wide arrays of PASTA dishes are suffused in a selection of creamy and rich sauces. The delicious selections of gourmet PIZZA, FRENCH FRIES and BURGERS have certainly found their way to the heart of the consuming public. For the most filling breakfast, Coffee Indulgence whips up a great variety of PANCAKES and SANDWICHES.

The aromatic choice in freshly brewed COFFEE ranges from hot to cold, from espresso to flavored coffee. The CHOCOLATE drink lovers can also indulge in the various preparations possible. And for those who simply adore TEAS, Coffee Indulgence has this great assortment to ease those who thirst. Truly, for those who love good food at the most affordable price will surely enjoy being at Coffee Indulgence partaking its foods and sipping their drinks.

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