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October 28, 2008


Along the famous Loakan Road that leads to the Baguio Airport and Philippine Military Academy, Forest House welcomes even the most seasoned guest with the renowned warmth of a country home. The entrance is adorned with a cluster of green plants and drift woods beautifully arranged to reflect an entry to a garden in the forest. In its waiting area is an authentic Country sofa fronting a Fireplace where guests could lounge back while waiting to be seated in the Restaurant’s Dining Area. Once seated, the relaxed atmosphere provides inspiration to sit back and enjoy an entire meal with the family and friends and to conduct one’s business as there’s a soothing feeling of being at home for everyone in the room.
And, talking about the meals…. they are just as heavenly! Offering a wide range of Local and European dishes in its menu, Forest House has established a market for its famous Homemade Bagnet and Sausages; Prawn Thermidore, and FOREST HOUSE Clubhouse.
Forest House all started back in year 2001 when Ari Verzosa and his wife Racquel, both decided to leave the Airline industry for good where they both met and worked in Manila. Aiming to start a more tranquil family life up in the highlands where Ari grew up as a child, they teamed-up with Ari’s cousin Alvin with the concept of a country home Restaurant and Forest House was born. The restaurant is also home to seasoned chefs and cooks from big International hotels and restaurants, who themselves are locals of the area and have succumbed back to Baguio’s simple lifestyle and greeneries.
A visit to Baguio – the city of Pines – is a fulfilling experience. Being surrounded with a lush of colorful flowers everywhere and the cool country breeze inspires even the most urbanized soul. Now for all splendors, a visitor who wants to have a taste on one of the most preferred restaurants in this city, Forest House is truly the best place to be. Bring this ambiance and feeling of the highlands to your City by running your own Forest House, NOW AVAILABLE FOR FRANCHISE, nationwide.

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