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February 23, 2010

O'Hair Salon Franchise

Envisioned and developed into a magnificent reality, O’Hair Salon opened its first branch in Sikatuna, Cebu City. The company established the salon with a professional salon system and a goal of providing a one of a kind hair care experience based on individual customer care and comfort.

O’Hair Salon offers exceptional hair services such as affordable quality rebonding, hair color, hair cellophane, hair relaxing, and hair treatments that leave customers confidently beautiful. It also offers relaxing foot spa, manicure/pedicure, and trendy nail arts. With the company’s skilled stylists, every detail is a work of art.

The salon also boasts a superb hairstyling area with state-of-the-art equipment and trendy ambiance with its bright and lively wall color of orange, yellow, chocolate brown and green.

O’Hair Salon’s success on the first branch in Sikatuna and continual quest to develop new techniques in the wide repertoire of hair services, paved its way in opening another branch at Gaisano Capital South. O’Hair Salon-Gaisano is a haven of beauty nestled in the bustling street of downtown Cebu. The refreshing ambiance of the salon is in position to realize the tagline, “At O’Hair Salon you’ll discover limitless ways to define your personal style and beauty”.

The company desires to share its success to all entrepreneurs who wants to own a salon with the same quality services O”Hair Salon offers hence, made its’ boldest move…entering the world of franchising.

Franchise Fee : P250, 000.00
Inclusive of
Use of Trade Name and
Proprietary Marks
Location Approval
Training for Franchisee, Managers
and Outlet Staff
Procurement Program
Marketing Assistance
Opening Assistance
Operations Manual
Research and Development

Initial Term : 5 years
Capital Requirement : P1,000,000
Royalty Fee : P6,000 per month
Required Space : minimum 60 sqm.

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