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August 23, 2010

Cebu Franchise Expo - August 29 at Parkmall Mandaue City

30 exhibitors sponsored by FIFA Filipino international Franchise Association, RK Franchise Consultancy, Living Water, Da Vinci's Pizza, Huge Print Ads, Sunstar Cebu, Business Mirror, O'Hair Salon, Jones Bros. Pizza, Vienna Kaffee Haus, PLDT SME Nation.... entrance is free...

Franchise Seminar by Rudolf Kotik on August 31 2010 at Montebello Villa Hotel in Banilad at 1.30 pm. Seminar Fee 995 Pesos with special Facebook rate of Pesos 750 if prepaid... call (032) 273.3827 and 238.3933

for details visit the website www.cebuexpo.com or email rkcebu@gmail.com
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